Monday, March 5, 2007

Reflections of a Pessimist

Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the flowers gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the flowers gone?
Girls have picked them every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

"Where Have All the Flowers Gone"
by Peter Seeger

Human beings have chosen to become a threat to Mother Nature’s existence. We have recklessly consumed her resources as if there were no end to it. We excessively continue to cut trees leaving forest lands devoid of life. We have exhausted her capability to decompose by harassing her with tons of garbage everyday. We suffocate her as we plate her surface area with cement for the construction of roads and malls. We overpopulate the land justifying our 'love' for one another. Her patience has its limits and soon judgment shall fall upon us in a slow painful death.

‘We have taken for granted her existence’ - an overused statement. I have been hearing this since I was seven from the “save the planet” infomercials. Environmental activists have long been acting like nagging mothers scolding their children about their irresponsibility but the children couldn’t understand their admonishment. They never got the message. They were too blind enjoying the toys they invented; engrossed in the money games they played. We all know what happens to naughty little children.

Now the earth’s temperature has risen by one Fahrenheit and is still continuing to rise. Permafrost has melted and Antarctica is heating up. The shorelines are rising and Maldives is out of the map. Evaporation is sucking the land dry while transpiration is drying up the plants. Frogs species are slowly being obliterated by some sort of fungi which signals the beginning of a chain of extinctions. These are all preparations for Mother Nature’s long overdue general cleaning and guess who’s part of the dirt.

What a pity that we had to arrive to this dismal fate. Let’s just hope that there would be better species in the future. I’m just sorry it’s not going to be us.


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